Dear Muhu residents and all who hold Muhu Island close to their hearts,

The festive season is upon us – a time to pause, reflect on the past year, and give thanks for the many gifts life has bestowed upon us. This year has brought its share of challenges, but also countless wonderful moments and shared joys. We’ve witnessed Muhu continue to flourish – the delightful new restaurant KALA opened at Lõunaranna Harbour, enriching the island’s culinary offerings during this successful Year of Flavours in our region. Many beloved old spots have found new life. Sunny weather and a warm summer welcomed new visitors to the island, creating memories that will warm hearts for years to come. Our new digital gateway, “VisitMuhu,” was completed, and we’ve had the privilege of hosting international journalists from around the world.

Muhu truly is a magical island, where nature, history, and ancient culture intertwine like a beautiful Christmas wreath. It’s an island that always welcomes with open arms all who appreciate its serenity, beauty, and heritage.

As we step into a new year, we wish you all a peaceful holiday season, filled with warmth, connection, and care. May the coming year bring us all joyful days and strong winds of opportunity, carrying even more visitors to Muhu and broadening our horizons. Muhu is ready to offer discovery, joy, and tranquility to all who come here – and we welcome you all with open arms!

From the heart, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Warm regards,

Muhu Tourism Association


Restoration of Independence Day 2024